Neuroplasticity: How the brain changes with learning
You cannot learn something without storing it in some form of memory for future use. From neuroscience, we know that memories are encoded by physical changes in the brain. In other words, your brain changes physically whenever you learn anything, and your brain continues to be moulded by experience and learning throughout your life.
A deeper understanding of how humans learn is urgently needed to better facilitate learning.
How to train executive functions through classroom activities in kindergarten
Early childhood development / Effective teaching / Learning how to learn

How to train executive functions through classroom activities in kindergarten

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Neuroplasticity beyond the first years of life
Effective lifelong learning / Future of education and learning / Quality, equity, and relevance of education and learning

Neuroplasticity beyond the first years of life

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Effects of intervention programs on neural outcome measures in children from low-socioeconomic-status homes
Early childhood development / Quality, equity, and relevance of education and learning / Learning difficulties

Effects of intervention programs on neural outcome measures in children from low-socioeconomic-status homes

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Attention and its importance for education
Effective lifelong learning / Effective teaching / Learning how to learn

Attention and its importance for education

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The spacing effect: Organizing educational content across a curriculum
Effective teaching / Future of education and learning / Effective lifelong learning

The spacing effect: Organizing educational content across a curriculum

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Unlocking Potential: Raising educational outcomes for students with Special Needs
Effective teaching / Early childhood development / Learning how to learn / Learning difficulties

Unlocking Potential: Raising educational outcomes for students with Special Needs

Students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) have poorer educational outcomes compared to their typically developing peers (Tuckett et al., 2021, UNICEF, 2021).
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Fenómenos fisiológicos “invisibles” por privaciones socioeconómicas como desafíos para el diseño de políticas
Emociones y aprendizaje / Aprendizaje permanente eficaz / Calidad, equidad y relevancia de la educación y el aprendizaje

Fenómenos fisiológicos “invisibles” por privaciones socioeconómicas como desafíos para el diseño de políticas

La activación persistente de estos sistemas fisiológicos desde etapas tempranas del desarrollo humano genera su desgaste progresivo. Esto puede asociarse con alteraciones de la salud física y mental en etapas ulteriores del ciclo vital.
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Herramientas para el diseño de políticas orientadas a fomentar el desarrollo autorregulatorio de infancias expuestas a privaciones socioeconómicas
Emociones y aprendizaje / Aprendizaje permanente eficaz / Calidad, equidad y relevancia de la educación y el aprendizaje

Herramientas para el diseño de políticas orientadas a fomentar el desarrollo autorregulatorio de infancias expuestas a privaciones socioeconómicas

La complejidad que caracteriza al desarrollo autorregulatorio impone desafíos múltiples para el diseño de intervenciones y políticas orientadas a fomentarlo en infancias expuestas a diferentes adversidades y privaciones.
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