Neuroplasticity: How the brain changes with learning
You cannot learn something without storing it in some form of memory for future use. From neuroscience, we know that memories are encoded by physical changes in the brain. In other words, your brain changes physically whenever you learn anything, and your brain continues to be moulded by experience and learning throughout your life.
A deeper understanding of how humans learn is urgently needed to better facilitate learning.
Fenómenos fisiológicos “invisibles” por privaciones socioeconómicas como desafíos para el diseño de políticas
Emociones y aprendizaje / Aprendizaje permanente eficaz / Calidad, equidad y relevancia de la educación y el aprendizaje

Fenómenos fisiológicos “invisibles” por privaciones socioeconómicas como desafíos para el diseño de políticas

La activación persistente de estos sistemas fisiológicos desde etapas tempranas del desarrollo humano genera su desgaste progresivo. Esto puede asociarse con alteraciones de la salud física y mental en etapas ulteriores del ciclo vital.
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Herramientas para el diseño de políticas orientadas a fomentar el desarrollo autorregulatorio de infancias expuestas a privaciones socioeconómicas
Emociones y aprendizaje / Aprendizaje permanente eficaz / Calidad, equidad y relevancia de la educación y el aprendizaje

Herramientas para el diseño de políticas orientadas a fomentar el desarrollo autorregulatorio de infancias expuestas a privaciones socioeconómicas

La complejidad que caracteriza al desarrollo autorregulatorio impone desafíos múltiples para el diseño de intervenciones y políticas orientadas a fomentarlo en infancias expuestas a diferentes adversidades y privaciones.
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Lessons for the classroom from neuroeconomics
adolescents / Effective teaching / Early childhood development / Learning how to learn

Lessons for the classroom from neuroeconomics

Neuroeconomics seeks to explain how humans and animals choose between different options. In recent years, neuroeconomics has helped to extend the study of value-based decision-making beyond the healthy adult population, including adolescents, older adults and even children.
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Social neuroscience for education
Emotions and learning / Early childhood development

Social neuroscience for education

Recent advances in decision neuroscience/neuroeconomics, social psychology and developmental neuroscience allow researchers to identify the neural basis of social decision-making. This interdisciplinary field studies how social stimuli such as faces are recognized, how social learning and complex social interactions, such as group decision-making or attribution of intentions to others (theory of mind) are represented in the brain.
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The science of learning: Fantastic initiatives and where to find them
Future of education and learning

The science of learning: Fantastic initiatives and where to find them

However academically debated, the relevance of neuroscience for education is accepted by policymakers and teachers worldwide. It seems intuitive that understanding the mechanisms underlying the ways the brain selects, retains, stores, retrieves and associates information, creates representations about the environment and uses them to regulate emotions, behaviour and solve problems of striking variety may inform teachers regarding the optimal design of a learning experience for the students.
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The neurodevelopmental underpinnings of children’s learning: Connectivity is key
Emerging technologies and learning / Learning difficulties

The neurodevelopmental underpinnings of children’s learning: Connectivity is key

The structure and function of the brain is continuously molded throughout the lifespan by mechanisms both external and internal to the individual. Learning is a powerful driver of neurobiological change, and is implemented through modification of connectivity within emergent neural networks. Neural systems perspectives of the brain are beginning to shed light on how typical and atypical learning manifest through development.
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Dimensional and categorical approaches to brain-behaviour relationships in reading disorder (dyslexia)
Future of education and learning / Learning difficulties

Dimensional and categorical approaches to brain-behaviour relationships in reading disorder (dyslexia)

Dyslexia is characterized by a persistent difficulty in achieving reading and literacy skills commensurate with expectations based on age- or abilities in other areas. Current research is showing that the underlying causes may be complex and best captured by dimensional, rather than categorical, perspectives on disorder.
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Co-occurring disorders of learning: Why they matter for practice and research in educational neuroscience
Future of education and learning / Learning difficulties / Early childhood development

Co-occurring disorders of learning: Why they matter for practice and research in educational neuroscience

Disorders of learning that manifest in classroom environments are some of the most frequently diagnosed conditions of childhood. An underappreciated aspect of these types of learning difficulties is that they are highly co-occurring within individuals.
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