Neuroplasticity: How the brain changes with learning
You cannot learn something without storing it in some form of memory for future use. From neuroscience, we know that memories are encoded by physical changes in the brain. In other words, your brain changes physically whenever you learn anything, and your brain continues to be moulded by experience and learning throughout your life.
A deeper understanding of how humans learn is urgently needed to better facilitate learning.
Repensar la currícula del futuro. La educación en la era de las pantallas, redes sociales e inteligencias generativas
El futuro de la educación y el aprendizaje

Repensar la currícula del futuro. La educación en la era de las pantallas, redes sociales e inteligencias generativas

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Usos del conocimiento sobre el desarrollo cerebral para el diseño e implementación de políticas
El futuro de la educación y el aprendizaje

Usos del conocimiento sobre el desarrollo cerebral para el diseño e implementación de políticas

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Consideraciones sobre la plasticidad y los períodos críticos y sensibles del desarrollo neural para el diseño e implementación de políticas
Desarrollo de la primera infancia

Consideraciones sobre la plasticidad y los períodos críticos y sensibles del desarrollo neural para el diseño e implementación de políticas

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Challenges of the diversity of associations between self-regulation and socioeconomic deprivation during childhood and adolescence
Quality, equity, and relevance of education and learning

Challenges of the diversity of associations between self-regulation and socioeconomic deprivation during childhood and adolescence

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Fenómenos fisiológicos “invisibles” por privaciones socioeconómicas como desafíos para el diseño de políticas
Calidad, equidad y relevancia de la educación y el aprendizaje

Fenómenos fisiológicos “invisibles” por privaciones socioeconómicas como desafíos para el diseño de políticas

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Specificity of the associations between socioeconomic deprivation factors and neurocognitive development
Quality, equity, and relevance of education and learning

Specificity of the associations between socioeconomic deprivation factors and neurocognitive development

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Early screening for learning difficulties: The need for repeated universal assessments
Learning difficulties

Early screening for learning difficulties: The need for repeated universal assessments

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Shifting Perspectives: Embracing Strengths in Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Learning difficulties

Shifting Perspectives: Embracing Strengths in Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

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